Select few professionals possessed the skill, passion, and sheer tenacity to break record after record in their chosen field. And fewer still can stake that claim in more than one arena.
To millions of music lovers, Ted Nugent has carved a permanent place in rock and roll history as the guitar-shredding showman, selling more than 40 million albums, performing more than 6,400 (!) high-octane concerts, and continuing to set attendance records at venues around the globe.
To millions of citizens, Nugent is the nation’s most outspoken proponent of our first and Second Amendment rights, conducting thousands of pro-gun, pro-freedom, pro-America interviews in major media worldwide. He has served continuously on the Board of Directors of the NRA since his initial election in 1995, where he consistently sets records for amassing the highest number of votes received by an individual board member.
Nugent is dedicated to preserving our great outdoor heritage for future generations, and along with wife Shemane, regularly hosts hunts for sick and terminally ill children with Hunt of a Lifetime, Hunt for a Cure, and via his own Kamp for Kids. A recipient of myriad commendations from state police, sheriff departments, FBI, and police agencies, Nugent has been lauded for his Freedom’s Angels Foundation benefitting our troops, along with work as a national spokesman for D.A.R.E., Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and the Pass It On Outdoor Mentors Program.
Nugent has been named favorite Hunting Personality by the readers of Outdoors Magazine. He was inducted into the National Bowhunters Hall of Fame, marking the pinnacle of recognition for Nugent as a bona fide Bowhunting Legend of the 21st Century, acknowledged for his skills as an outdoorsman, and for his tireless promotion of bowhunting via his writings for over 40 publications, his New York Times best-sellers Ted, White & Blue: The Nugent Manifesto and God, Guns and Rock ‘n’ Roll, along with Kill It and Grill It, BloodTrails and BloodTrails II, and his award-winning Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild television show — seen exclusively on Outdoor Channel — where he proudly serves as Ambassador for the network.